Hola lovelies,

I am from that place called Southern California I guess I should be a bit more multi-cultural so I shall start with Hola. Thank you for all the Chicanos for making me who I am – thumbs up to u-… which is an Asian girl :/ But most of all An AMERICAN! You all should now imagine an Asian girl with an American Flag waving in the background while she tears her shirt ๐Ÿ˜‰ … AND underneath is the Superwoman S. I guess that wasn’t that cool most of us Asian women are sadly underdeveloped, but it was a risquรฉ and attention getting move.

I realize it is about due time for me to write on this thing and so I am here to entertain the Internet again with my absolute genius or complete stupidity. Either one I will take, anything to get my audience entertained. Also there is the fact that I can’t sleep. Why must the lack of sleep always seem to be the case. As a matter of fact I realize that possibly 90% of my blog posts have been because of the fact that I could not sleep. This might be a dramatization but ehhh I’m not going to calculate it. So while all of you gain, I lose… sleep anyway. Okay I’m rambling need to get to a point somewhere in this post…. think Jackie think! Umm.. well school is about to start for those who I love and are currently going to school. I still have no idea what I’m doing right at this moment or in life. That’s promising I think.

So I forgot that I had a webcam until today and I’m now thinking up ideas of maybe doing some vlogs. Yes I mean those video blogs. This is so you all can see me. That’s a scary image, but literally that IS a scary image. I’m not yet sure if I want you guys to actually see me in my natural habitat. Who knows there could be some stalkers wandering the web who just happen to find me, their prey EEEEKKKK SCARY! Just kidding but if I do plan to come up with some vlogs you all will see them posted up. Oh and for those of you who want to keep up with me and well just wanna know what I’m doing and feeling at ALL times my twitter is LoveOfCardigans be careful kiddies I do twitter a lot though ๐Ÿ™‚ I like people knowing about me. Oh gosh what am I doing? I will now certainly have stalkers especially if you are following me on twitter. Ehh I’ll take my chances. Oh what the heck here’s my facebook too just click here . I might not be your friend automatically, but if you specify to me you read my blog I might give you some leeway.

So today, well more like yesterday but I haven’t slept yet so I’m saying its today, is a couple people’s Birthday the most important is my friend Amber’s birthday. Happy Happy and a million times more Happy Birthday love. Next is my friend’s dad’s birthday and also it’s his parents anniversary ^u^ so Happy Birthday and Happy Anniversary it’s quite cute if I don’t say so myself. Next up is not that important… ok so I’m lying it is very important it’s Demi Lovato‘s birthday hehehe. Okay so it’s not that important but I am partial to her and I do love her, after all she is my Disney Twin. I celebrated her 17th birthday by listening to her album, which I am doing now while I write this blog teehee ๐Ÿ™‚ My favorite song used to be Catch Me, but it’s changing and for right now it’s Stop the World. This is because in the song Catch me she says the word Catch weirdly and for the lyric “like a child running scared from a clown” not my favorite lyric Miss Lovato. I do really like her whole album though besides that lyric and her pronunciation problem. Also to celebrate I watched Streetrat’s new videos which made this day even better. Just click on streetrat to see the webpage and this is the video I watched to celebrate It is without a doubt hilarious. You all should check out this video and streetrat’s other videos.

Hhhmmm what else should I write…

Let’s see I almost went blank for a second but my Mother is set on this cleansing cabbage soup diet and unfortunately she has got me on board with her. I think a fitting title to her ship on which I am now sailor to should be called the S.S. Death of Starvation. I am sure to die on this little dingy, but I am gonna do it. I am starting it tomorrow. I’ll probably, like the title of her ship, Die of Starvation haha. We shall see my darlings.

Ugh talking about birthdays I realize my own is coming up soon. I hate my birthday, it’s a horrid day of which I grow older every year. It’s not like I don’t enjoy presents, those are always nice hehe, but its the recognition from not only myself but everyone else that I am a year older. When I wake up I get to hear happy birthday from my family and friends then everywhere I go I can hear other people say happy birthday also. How do they know I’m just guessing it was the Devil. Yes I’m sure he put a post-it note on his calendar at his desk, I’m just presuming it’s made of a nice dark cherry red wood, and put out a mass email to his cohorts to remind everyone in the world it is my birthday. Either this or he put out a bulletin on which those annoying little pull off tabs went flying everywhere to everyone. Well I guess it’s better to be told happy birthday than for people to forget your birthday or that you exist. Thanks Devil for loving me so! Or at least it’s not like my father who has forgotten my birthday for about the last 10 years of my life. What a great guy he is. Okay I’m just a little bitter… Maybe a lot. I did just put the devil at a bit higher esteem than my own father. Ehh I love the man no one said I had to like him or say nice things about him anyway.

Okay well I think I am out of juice and winding down to say goodbye. But I promise to write in you again, someday โค

Love Ya,
